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About Me.


I am an incoming Masters student studying Space Science & Engineering: Space Technology at UCL, having completed my Bachelors in Aerospace Engineering student at the University of Bristol. A Belgian national who was born and raised in Malaysia, I have been lucky enough to have travelled to many countries in the world, immersing myself in many different cultures.


I am a very curious person who is constantly on the look for new and exciting engineering technologies. I am environmentalist who is keen on reducing his carbon footprint at every step of the way. 


2021- 2024

University of Bristol

Aerospace Engineering Student on a Masters Degree. Taking part in Bristol SEDs NRC where I am a group leader, where we will have to develop a rocket with a payload, focusing in on Aerodynamic, Structural and electronic aspects.


As part of second year project, I need to communicate with 35 other people to design and manufacture the fuselage and empennage of a 3m wing span aircraft.


Engaging in developing my technical skills which include Autodesk Fusion 360, GMAT, technical drawing, and MATLAB.

2007 - 2021

The Alice Smith School

Attended this school from primary all the way to A-Level. Taking part in many leadership roles such as Senior STEM prefect as well as developing my interpersonal skills whilst being a mentor/ teaching assistant.


A Level Results: Mathematics (A*), Product Design (A*), Physics (A), EPQ (A*)


GCSE Results: Physics (9), Product Design (9), English Language (9), Mathematics (8), Chemistry (8), Biology (8), History (8), English Literature (7), French (7), Geography (A)

Activities & Interests

At my time in Alice Smith I took part in many competitions and events. First of all is being Senior STEM prefect. This role allowed me to coordinate around 12 people to conduct a week of  promoting STEM in school, through a series of activities and events. Also during my A Levels I was a mentor/ teaching assistant helping GCSE & KS3 students with Physics.


My interest in space and exploration has led me to partake in two astronomy Olympiads where I was awarded a Gold and Bronze award. I was also privileged enough to visit  NASA Johnson Space Centre in Houston as part of a school trip, where we attended a space camp. In this camp I worked in a group of 5 to construct a model rocket, rover and design a model for a Mars habitat. There were also a series of material testing's to expose it to space like temperatures.


DoE Bronze - I received the award after completing 13 hours of community service where I volunteered at an orphanage teaching them English, Mathematics and Science.


For a long part of my high school experience I was invested in playing the piano where I worked my way through challenges and was awarded with a distinction in Grade 8 Contemporary Piano as well as a merit in Grade 7 Musical Theory, both by Rockschool.


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